Currently, the issue of childhood obesity not only worries many parents but also the sanitary authorities around the world. The nutritionist Lucía Bultó, author of the book Nutrinanny Advice, explains in this interview with our site, what are the causes that lead to overweight in children, what we can do at home to fight obesity and avoid the risks for obesity. health that excess weight can cause in adult life.
Respiratory diseases are very common in the first years of kindergarten and when starting school. Prevention through foods that heal children is the first recommendation to prevent mild respiratory diseases caused by viruses from being complicated by bacterial infections that require the use of antibiotics and take longer to heal.
The main objective of the school colleges is to educate children with different methodologies and tools that will help them to face the world that surrounds them and thus little by little, to turn them into people of integrity. But in all those years, even in middle school or high school, do you remember that in class they taught you environmental education or about caring for the environment?
Children's crafts to make with paper See Not only a paper boat can sail the seas, you can also make a fabulous origami sailboat to play water races.The origami plane is another of the most famous paper crafts, but you have to know how to do it good for you to have a long and placid flight.
Guiainfantil presents a selection of the best children's songs in English recommended by parents. With this song in English Children of the trees you can promote the learning of this language and the environment in children. Songs in English are a good way to promote the knowledge of the language in children because music helps to stimulate the most little ones while having fun.
Music develops children's abilities and can improve their academic results. It helped them to grow in all their affective, emotional and intellectual capacities. Juan Manuel Alonso, conductor, explains these questions to us about the musical education of our children and about the importance of awakening the interest of the little ones in music.