If you had to define with one word (only one!) The love relationship between a mother and her child, what would it be? Very complicated! Right? A bit of poetry is needed ... Inmaculada Tapia Martínez, graduated in Speech Therapy and Hearing and Language teacher, has written this sweet children's poem entitled & 39; Dream, my child, dream & 39; in which a mom talks about what she wants so much for her little one.
Learn with the children the vocabulary of the family in sign language. With this guide you can learn with your children the gesture for each word in the family. How do you say father, mother, grandfather or nephew in sign language? Isabel Tiburcio, sign interpreter, shows us how. You can read more articles similar to The family in sign language for children, in the Education category in Children's Guidance.
How to decorate a children's room when you are not a decorator? We may have some ideas about the furniture we like, the colors we prefer or the decorative elements we want to put, however, before getting down to work, on our site we recommend that you take a look at the advice they give us the experts in children's decoration to set up the ideal room for a baby or older children.
A child's intelligence is not measured by his IQ. A child's intelligence has a lot to do with emotional intelligence. But what exactly is emotional intelligence? It is nothing more than the ability to learn to identify and manage basic emotions.From Guiainfantil.
Sometimes, parents focus on children reading children's stories and we forget that there are also other genres of children's literature that can also lead them to discover the wonderful world of books. Do you usually read nursery rhymes with your children? You can learn a lot from them!
If sometimes your gynecologist mentions terms related to your pregnancy that you do not understand, if you have doubts about some words related to pregnancy or if you simply want to learn more about this stage of your life, we recommend that you consult the dictionary of doubts for pregnant women by Guiainfantil.