One of the fundamental concerns of any family is the education of children. We carefully choose the children's school to ensure that they receive the best training and in the best environment. The option of a boarding school is one of many that there are for our children to study.
The conventional punishment based on & 39; you stay without playing the play, without watching TV or without going out ... & 39; it no longer has almost any effect on children. Child psychologist Mª Luisa Ferrerós, author of the book ¡Punigado! Necessary? It recognizes that this type of punishment does not cost the child any effort and is not directly related to what he has done wrong and, therefore, beyond the punctual sanction, they are not useful to correct the child's behavior in the future.
Aside from pasta, one of the most sought-after Italian dishes on the Internet is Caprese salad. It is one of the simplest and most exquisite combinations of Italian cuisine, as well as a starter for which you will only need tomato, mozzarella and basil. When you try it, you will surely repeat it at home.
Infertility is the inability to get pregnant after more than twelve months trying and affects approximately 15 percent of couples. Within that percentage, between 30 and 35 percent are due to male causes, the same percentage to female causes and the rest to both or unknown reasons.
For many new moms, the physical changes of pregnancy are a real pain. Regaining the weight after the baby is born is important for many women, and also removing the traces of fluid retention that cause blemishes such as cellulite. Although it is something completely normal that can also be experienced without having given birth, it is advisable to know what diet you can take to get rid of cellulite.
Guiainfantil.comHow to plan pregnancy? Many women say that after a year of trying, they only managed to get pregnant after a vacation. The gynecologist Antonio González tells us to what extent the psychological factor or stress influences when achieving a pregnancy.