Recommended Interesting Articles


Please don't force your kids to eat

There really is nothing better to learn from your own experiences and that of others. Below I offer you the comment that a mother made to the forum. It is a testimony of a woman who, as a child, experienced a traumatic situation at home because she did not like to eat. Parents who have a child who does not like to eat should know this story that we offer you below.
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Psychological changes

Facing (without fear) the puberty crisis in children from 9 to 12 years old

Between the ages of 9 and 12, approximately, boys and girls enter that moment of transition between childhood and youth called puberty. A phase in which hormones are activated generating a whole series of changes in their bodies and way of being. Changes that they will have to face causing a new readjustment which we know as the puberty crisis; a crisis that often occurs among children ages 9 to 12.
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Porting for babies. Systems to carry the baby in arms

Carrying is becoming more popular among moms. Not only is it a comfortable way to carry the baby to be able to have hands free and do other tasks, carrying is very beneficial for the bond between mother and baby. By carrying the baby we can move more comfortably than with a car, it facilitates Breastfeeding allows us to get to know the baby better and calm his crying by helping him sleep better.
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What is the Advent Calendar and how to use it with children

Advent Calendars are one of the most anticipated Christmas traditions for children. Christmas after Christmas, families buy a calendar in supermarkets or make it at home for their children, so that they can start enjoying it from December 1 to December 24. And because? It is a way that many families use to prepare children for the arrival of Christmas.
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The kid and the worm. Nursery rhyme poem

Nursery rhymes have many advantages. If they are poetry with rhyme, much more. Among other things, it can be a tool to teach children to memorize. From our site we encourage you to read short poems to your child, to encourage their passion for reading and help them stay focused longer.
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